The neighborhood itself is rather destitute, mainly haunted by the shells of once prosperous manufacturing warehouses left to rust in the sweat of the Delaware River. Directly across from the entrance to our living space is the Drexel meat packaging plant which in the summer emits an odor so foul our street gets no foot traffic.
The Philadelphia Institute for Advanced Study (PIFAS) lies below us. It is a treasure trove of bicycle builders, visual artists, textile manufacturing, noise bands, synthesizer building, and many more strange career choices. The neighbors only refer to this rag-tag bunch as "the weird art ravers" although we are quite sure there are no raves occurring. You can watch an extremely informative video on their website.
Despite appearances, the area around us is surprisingly full of life. Gardens (with chickens and all) can be found springing from the remains of old foundations, and there is still the occasional yelp of children on bikes.
Our inaugural song posting is a one of the first completed in our new recording space; a patch-work assemblage of various samples by Daniel, drums by Parker, and vocals/bass by myself. It works best through headphones, although i certainly can't discourage using 5.1 Dolby Surround.
Download :The Neighborhood Choir - Toyland.mp3